Every month I look forward to this hour that I designate just for myself. The presentations absorb you and I always leave with a sense of deep satisfaction. A sense of solace during these stressful times.
— B. Stone

Voyage of Discovery presentations

All presentations are on Thursday, 1:30 p.m. (CST)


All money in its nature is barren and is only ignited into power in the exchange.

Ever the shape shifter — cowry shells, metal, paper, electronic — this source of energy eliminated the privileges of heritage with the cleverness of business outbidding the glory of a noble name. Translating forms of work into forms of property, this alternating current is a great power and December 19’s presentation is a cautionary tale that without the greater power of thought this current can sweep one from the the path to riches to the road to ruin.

The annual Voyage of Discovery membership allows access to all programs.

Samples of Voyage of Discovery presentations are presented in our YouTube channel.

It’s amazing to see staggering amounts of research presented in delightful and completely unexpected ways. These different perspectives help me think non-linearly, multi-dimensionally. The presentations are delivered with an inspiring passion.
— R. Kumari